What Is a Data Quality Audit? Ensuring Your Data Integrity

What Is a Data Quality Audit? Ensuring Your Data Integrity

Companies maintain huge volumes of data. This data may contain codes, test data, and financial information as well as a customer database. However, maintaining this data can be costly. This is because for storing huge data you have to get the services of a data center. The worst case being you may have many pieces of unused data like former customer information, for example. You may also have archived audit reports, which are no longer of any use. But how do you check what kind of data is useful and what isn’t? The answer is by carrying out a data quality audit.

In this post, we’ll discuss what a data quality audit is. We’ll also explore the process and importance of a data quality audit. Additionally, we’ll learn about the tools you can use for this job and how the process will ensure your data integrity. So, let’s get started.

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What Is Data Security Management? An Introductory Guide

secuirty camera on a fence

Have you ever wondered what data security management is and what it does? Why do you need it in the first place? If you have, you’re in the right place.

This post is about data security management and helping you find the answers to these questions. If you need a firm grasp on the concepts of data security management or maybe you’re wondering about its responsibilities, this post has you covered. I’ll also give you a few tips to start your journey. Let’s start with data security at the most fundamental level.

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What Is Data Compliance for Small Business?

one way sign

Here’s a common scenario for most businesses.

A potential customer visits your website, and instantly you have data about their browser and site interactions. At some point, that potential customer decides to share some information with you. For example, they give you their name and email address in order to receive your newsletter. Their personal information is now in your system. Next, the customer emails or calls about services or price levels. Your system saves these messages, too.

Now, let’s say the customer decides to buy a product and gives you their credit card details. From there, you expand your product offerings and email your customer to offer them discounts. And finally (it’s sad, but it happens), your customer might cancel their purchase of your product.

These are all things that you might do during the acquisition, retention, and management of a customer.

All of this sounds pretty reasonable as part of business operations, right? Generally, yes. But ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you actually using everything you collected? Or are you collecting it just in case?
  • Can any of the data you’re collecting be used to identify a specific person?
  • If a customer asks what data you have about them, can you give them a list?
  • Is anything you collected protected by law?
  • If a customer wants to end their relationship with you and asks that all their data be deleted, can you do it? Are you actually required to do so?

If you struggled to answer these questions, don’t worry! They aren’t always easy questions to answer. By the end of this post, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to ensure proper data compliance in your small business. We’ll achieve that by answering these four questions:

  1. What is data compliance, and why do you need it?
  2. What are some major standards involved in data compliance?
  3. What’s unique about data compliance for small businesses?
  4. What are the right practices to put in place to improve data compliance in your small business?

Continue reading “What Is Data Compliance for Small Business?”